Selasa, 14 Juni 2011


Coming from Semarang yet and found some gorgeous things that really cheap. And spent this day with my friend, Ceyi. And both we were watching basketball match between my school 'SMAN 6 Surabaya' vs 'SMA Dr. Soetomo' and we got my school as a winner haha. Aaaaanndd ceyi made me ride a high bicycle for me and I called it 'monsterbike' (it's reaaaaaally afraid me) then we got Satay for our dinner and a bit chatting tonight. First, we're planning for play basketball with Raka (have I told you about Raka?) but the 'monsterbike' made us abandon to met up with Raka but actually I'm officially missed him already haha

P.S : Raka is a guy who I met up on a basketball court near our house. He just about 12 or 13 years old but he REALLY good at basketball. He even could defeat Ceyi, Mbah and Mario which is basketball players, not like me

Night :)

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